Saturday, November 27, 2021

How Do you Define Success?- Answer is while making a million bucks is unlikely, you can make a good living.

Many people have selective hearing. that is they hear only what they are listening for. When such people tune to the notion of getting rich on the web,they can't seem to hear anything else.They are deaf to the news of failures in mass. Deaf to the certain doom that lies at the end of any path claimed to be quick or easy.And deaf to any mention of how taugh it is to succeed in business anywhere, online or offline. If you have fallen into this trap, there are only two options. Continue on your choosen path and fail. Or redefine what sauccess means to you, then begin working to achieve it. Getting Rich Is Unlikely. It is no easier to become wealthy online. The only advantage to beginning a business online rather than offline, is in the lower startup costs.The rest of it is work, learning, then implementing what you learn. What are your chances of opening a new business in your home town and becoming a millionaire? Unless you have very special tallents and skills, like Kaizer Motaung, it's unlikely.The chances of doing so on a website are no better. Would Making A Living Suit You? Do you have what it takes to open a business on main street and earn a confortable living? If you lack essential information, are you willing to take the time to hunt it up? If there are things you do not know, are you willing to learn them? If you lack needed skills are you prepared to develop them? One who can answer a resounding, "Yes," to the above questions, can succeed. Online or Offline. Untill you shout this rightout loud to your family, friends, neighbors, and even strangers on the street, any effort to build a successful website will break your heart. And waste a ton of your time. And more than few bucks.

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