Friday, December 11, 2020

What Does To Build Meaningful Relationships Based On Strategic Advertising And Marketing Approach Focused On Creating Information On Products.

 Our Story

Build Meaningful Relationships.
Get to know local businesses, companies, corporations, Universities, foundations, Institutions, Colleges, Associations and organizations. Connect with them as a human being. Be genuinely interested in their products, listen to them and care about them. What are their dreams and aspirations? What can I do to help them achieve their goals? Discover what they’re interested in, what makes them tick, and may be customers will listen to them and care about their products, too. What we’re doing is a strategic advertising and marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, information on products or services to attract customers. A type of marketing that involves the sharing online material (such as photos, videos, and social media posts) to stimulate interest in products or services.
A strategic advertising and marketing approach help business owners succeed in making their products known across the entire internet and make their businesses visible everywhere get their names-and their products names-in front of more people, instead of hard sell “buy this product” approach, they’re getting attention by a valuable service. That creates a buzz that traditional marketing tactics can’t match.
Small-to-medium sized businesses today are really the underdogs. Underdogs competing against the Top Dogs- the major companies, the national chains, the big franchises. Competing against sophisticated websites, huge advertising budgets and promotional resources.
We can help.
As a business owner compile these requirements and send document to
The requirements are as follows:
Business Name:
Type of business:
Business contact details:
Business physical address:
Business services and/or commodities to be advertised:
Business contact person(if different from business contact details):
I am here to help level the playing field- to help your small business grow sales and profits through the advertising.
At J Makoetla Article Marketing & Ads, we possess incredible skills. These include online advertising, marketing communications, social media, public relations, online marketing, marketing strategy, SEO, advertising, writing, social media marketing, market research, and customer relations.
There Are A Countless Ways To Advertise A Small Business
In a market where the big dogs are spending millions of dollars a year to interrupt people and put their names in front of the masses, have you ever thought it impossible to gain attention?
I know I have.
What we lack in capital, we have to make up for in creativity, tenacity and effort. We have to hustle harder than everyone else out there. We have to be the champions of our cause - day in and day out. We have to be remarkable.
"In sports, the only thing a player can truly control is his effort.
The same applies to business. The only thing an entrepreneur, salesperson or anyone in any position can control is their effort." -Mark Cuban.
Instead of spending money to interrupt your audience, focus on building the best possible business and providing massive value.
If you're great, people will notice and opportunities will appear.
The following is a list of 7 creative ways to advertise your small business on a small budget, but the possibilities are infinite. My goal in creating this list is to spark your creative juices so you can make your small business the best it can be and communicate your message to the audience who needs it most. The list is not exhaustive and I can't cover the how-tos in detail here, but I hope this list can be a checklist to help you find clever and creative ways to get your business or product more attention and customers.
1.Word Of Mouth Advertising
Word of mouth advertising is the most important and effective marketing tool because when recommendations come from people we know, we’re more likely to follow up on it. First, leverage your family and friends. They know you, your offerings, and want to see you succeed. They’ll do what they can to let others know why they should come to you. Second, turn strangers into friends. Engage everyone, even the cashier at the grocery store. A two-minute genuine conversation during checkout and a business card can go a long way. Be aware of natural situations that allow you to share the gift that is your service to people who need it.
2. Print Advertising
Good old-fashioned print advertising. Instead of buying a large ad in the most popular newspaper, consider placing smaller ads in smaller newspapers or other publications such as shopper’s guides or coupon books.
3. Public Transportation Advertising
Advertising in a bus, taxi or train is not as pricey as you might think. You’ll get in front of the eyes of thousands of people on a daily basis.
4. Build Meaningful Relationships
Get to know people. Connect with them as a human being. Be genuinely interested in their story, listen to them and care about them. What are their dreams and aspirations? What can you do to help them achieve their goals? Discover what they’re interested in, what makes them tick, and maybe someone will listen to you and care about your story, too.
5.Develop Your Current Customer Relationships
It's easier to keep an existing customer than to gain a new one. Make sure your customer experience leaves clients feeling happy, valued and important. Be intentional about this. Trust and attention are your most important assets – nurture them. What are you doing to delight your customers?
6. Offer A Free Trial, Demo Or Sample
Offer a free trial, demo or sample of your product or service. Prospect's are more comfortable purchasing something they have been able to experience first.
7.Ask For Customer Referrals
Referrals are one of the best ways to grow your business, and there’s only one way to drastically increase yours – ask for them. Don’t assume your clients will do this one their own. Take initiative, be proactive and build the habit of asking all your customers for referrals. If you go the extra mile and consistently exceed your customer’s expectations, they’ll be happy to refer your product or service to their network.
If you're interested in Promotional Product Advertising for you or your business, contact me.
James Makoetla
4435 N Pershing Dr. # 514 Telephone 703-243-9321
JMakoetlaArticleMarketing Videos on Facebook
James Makoetla

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