J Makoetla Ad Agency was created specifically for promotional product advertising for businesses to meet the growing online advertising needs of the small to medium sized businesses and convince people that their products worth buying.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Every Type Of Company Has Two Different Types Of Equities
A company’s financial position indicates the number of resources that they have, and also the claims against those precious resources at any time. Claims can also be referred to as equities. So, a company can be known as a combination of economic resources and equities. Economic Resource=Equities. No matter what type of business your in, every type of company has two different types of equities. They are creditor’s equity and owner’s equity. In another way Economic Resources= Creditors Equities +Owners Equity. When using accounting language, the economic resources a company has at a particular time is called their assets? On the other hand, the amount of creditor’s equity a company has is known as their liabilities. So here is the standard equation of accounting or better known as the accounting equation: Assets=Liabilities + Owner’s Equity. Similar to an algebraic equation, both sides of the equation has to be equal. This equation comes in handy when analyzing the financial effects of your everyday business activities. Let’s talk about a very important concept of any business. Assets are known as the economic resources that a business has that are expected to generate money for them in the future. Some examples are real estate and any other property that a business owner so that they can rent out to people. If a business is owed money than it goes into what is known as accounts receivable which are monetary items. However, there are some assets that are not physical. Some examples are copyrights, trademarks, and patents, but they are still extremely valuable to a business. Next, liabilities are the obligations that a business has such as paying cash, provide future services to individuals, or transferring assets to another entity. These are known as the debt of a business or the money that they have to owe in the near future. All of these are recorded in the accounts payable. As I’m sure you know, having a lot of debt is not fun and liabilities/debt are claimed that are seen by the law. The law gives creditor (People that money is owed to) the right to push the sale of a company’s assets if they don’t pay their debt on time. Creditors have a ton of rights over owners and they have to be paid in full even before the owners receive anything. It is very possible for a debt to consume up all a company’s resources. Next, the owner’s equity refers to the claim that owners of business make in regards to the assets they have. It is the residual interest or the remaining assets of a company after deducting the number of entity liabilities. Here is the equation for owner’s equity. Owner equity=Assets-Liabilities. The owner’s equity within a particular corporation is referred to as stockholders equity, so the equation then looks like this. Assets=Liabilities +Stockholder’s Equity. The stockholder's equity has two distinct parts which are the contributed capital and retained earnings. Stockholder’s Equity=Contributed Capital + Retained Earnings. The amount that an individual stockholder puts into a business is known as the contributed capital. Contributed capital is usually divided into two separate parts known as par value and “par value” and “additional paid-in capital.” The retained earnings are the amount of equity that is earned by stockholders from the income generating activities of a business that are kept for future uses by a business. Retained earnings are affected by three types of transactions which are revenues, expenses, and dividends. The increase and decrease in a stock are known as revenues and expenses respectively and these come from operating a business whether online or offline. If you’re online than an operating expense that you will have if you have your own website is your domain name and hosting service. Another example is if a customer agrees to pay you in the near future for a service that the company will perform. The money is recorded in the accounts receivable (asset account) which increase the asset value but decrease the stock holder’s equity amount which is an example of revenue. However, if a company promises to provide a service in the future than this is known as an expense. When this happens the assets decrease (accounts receivable) and the liabilities (accounts payable) is increased, which makes pretty good sense right? When the revenues exceed the expenses this is known as the net income which is good, and on the other hand when expenses are greater than revenues than this is known as net loss which means that you’re losing business or your business costs more to operate than what you make. Dividends are the distribution of assets to stockholders which refer to the past earnings. Do not confuse expenses with dividends, because they both are reducing the retained earnings amount. Retained earnings are the collected net income or revenues minus expenses. The financial statements are the main way for communicating information about a business to those who have some type of interest in it. What helps me is to think of these statements as a type of model for business because they show how a business is doing in financial terms. However, like a variety of methods and models, financial statements are not perfect and have their flaws. There are four main financial statements, and they are income statement, the statement of retained earnings, the balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows. What the income statement does is summarize the revenues earned or the money made, and the expenses or the money that is deducted from a business. Many accountants consider it the most important financial report because it makes it clear whether a business has met its profitability goal. The next one is the statement of retained earnings, and it displays the retained earnings over a period of time. The time that the retained earnings will be zero is when a company first started out in their accounting period. A lot of companies use the statement of stockholder equity as a substitute of retained earnings. This is a more detailed statement because it displays not only the aspects of retained earnings but it also shows the changes in the stockholder's equity accounts. Next, the financial situation of a business on a particular date, usually on the end of the month or the year is the balance sheet. The balance sheet displays the value of a business according to their assets and the claims against those assets which are the liabilities and the stockholder's equity. Last, the statement of cash flows is geared towards a company’s liquidity measures. They are basically the flow and outflow of cash in a company. The net cash flow is the subtraction between the inflow and outflow of money. The statement of cash flows also display the money generated by simply operating a business, and it also displays the investing and financing transactions that occur during a particular accounting period.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Jmakoetlamktgbiznet - Advertising Agency in Arlington
(J Makoetla Article Marketing & Ads)
(J Makoetla Article Marketing & Ads) in Arlington, Va. is a business directory of local Businesses, Companies, Corporations, Universities, Foundations, Institutions, Colleges, Associations, and Organizations.
Get to know them, go to Facebook Search to find “JMakoetlaArticleMarketing in Arlington VA-Promotions & local,’’ or JMakoetlaArticleMarketing on Alignable to connect with them as a human being.
Become genuinely interested in their products, listen to them and care about them.
My name is James Makoetla.
Please feel free to contact me.
4435 N Pershing Dr. # 514 Telephone 703-243-9321.
4435 N Pershing Dr. # 514 Telephone 703-243-9321.
Through the internet, I am creating influence and establishing myself as a helpful authority. This is one of the best ways to get clients onboard that not only use my services but love my services which will greatly benefit their businesses. A strange thing happens when businesses don’t advertise “NOTHING.’‘They must keep their brands in front of their customers as much as possible, attract their attention, create interest in their products/companies, and ask for action from their customers.JMakoetlaArticleMarketing is the name of my business.
I advertise small to medium - size businesses on the internet inexpensively to convince people that their products worth buying. This is achieved by concentrating on the areas of marketing and advertising in the internet by either JMakoetlaArticleMarketing Photographs or J Makoetla Article Marketing Paradise Found Photos. Businesses get well-written advisory articles, which can be successfully published on a number of different websites, that help their sites as important information providers in the targeted domain Articles to be posted on various industry-specific-websites as well as on Broad-based content websites that accept articles from various industries, usually classified in industry-related categories. It’s like, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”
Well, sort of.
I am running a creative business, my offerings usually fall under 3 broad categories: advertising and consulting/business services.
All have their advantages and disadvantages.
And all can be profitable.
But which one should I offer first?
I should offer to advertise first.
People need to come into contact with something seven times before they’ll decide they need it. Consider this: how many times have you seen something – maybe a new trend, maybe a gadget on an infomercial – and immediately thought, “that is ridiculous” or “who would buy that??” But then you see it again, and again, and again, and again, and after a couple of weeks, you suddenly want it. Bad. So bad you totally went out and bought it. (This has happened to me; don’t pretend it hasn’t happened to you too!)
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... See all
#james \Makoetla online marketing strategies#james makoetla#james Makoetla photos#articles by James makoetla#videos by J Makoetla article marketing#videos by JMakoetlaArticleMarketing#J Makoetla marketing strategy#j Makoetla marketing strategy examples#J Makoetla marketing consulting photos#video
... See all
Friday, March 15, 2019
5 Marketing Moves for Business Success
Effective marketing can be simplified into five moves – five concrete actions – that you can implement immediately. Your challenge: try one or more of these NOW.
marketing effectiveness, marketing consulting, marketing moves, business marketing, sales strategies
Marketing has traditionally been broken down to a formula known as “the 5P’s” – the five factors that make up an organization’s marketing strategy. If these are done consistently, well, and for a long enough period of time, these 5 factors also become part of their brand.
So far, so good. But the problem is that no one can seem to agree on exactly which 5 P’s are important, so the list typically includes: people, product, place, process, price, promotion, paradigm, perspective, persuasion, passion, positioning, packaging, and performance.
Wow. Sounds complicated, huh? I’m going to try and simplify effective marketing into five moves – five concrete actions – that you can implement immediately. Your challenge: try one or more of these NOW.
Move 1: Move Up
Want to try something different? The next time you’re speaking with a prospect, when the question of price comes up, DOUBLE your normal price and see what happens.
Am I crazy?
Maybe, maybe not. The other side of the coin is that maybe YOU’RE crazy for not charging for VALUE, but instead competing on PRICE. Businesses that compete on price lose. Period.
The easiest thing your competition can do is undercut your price. In fact, the first thing they will copy is your price. It takes no imagination, no creativity, no innovation, no market leadership, and no vision to lower the cost of something. And it hurts all parties involved. Lower prices always mean lower profits. Studies have shown that a 1% drop in price leads to an 8% drop in profit.
What happens when you double your usual price?
Several things. Prospects perceive:
* An increase in the value of your product/service
* An increased level of prestige in owning/using your product/service
* An increased level of trust in you – and all your other offerings (the halo effect)
* An increased level of confidence that your product/service really works
A marketing consultant that I respect once gave me a very valuable piece of advice. She said, “Be expensive or... be free.” Being one of the most expensive providers of service is remarkable – people talk about their $200,000 Italian sports car or $21,000 platinum-plated cell phone. Nobody talks about their $19,000 GM sedan.
I’ve helped companies double their prices, with great success, and I’ve helped independent consultants double [and in one case triple] their fees. In each of those cases, they got more clients, not fewer. Details on how to do this in Move 3. And perhaps this means you’ll lose a few unprofitable clients along the way. If you don’t lose some unprofitable clients, you won’t have room to serve the more profitable ones when they come along. It’s professional suicide to continue focusing on serving a market sector “that can afford” to pay your old (low) prices. Price doesn’t find clients. VALUE finds clients. And those clients that value your work should – and will – pay according to that value.
Free is also a powerful price point. And, of course, free is remarkable. Which is another facet to moving up – you move up when you give VALUE first. For free. Got a great idea for a prospect? Great! SEND IT TO THEM. Even better, got a business lead for them? Hand it over! Did you come across an article, a profile, or a piece of research that directly impacts their business? Clip it and mail it to the top person with a brief note. That prospect’s door is now open.
Move 2: Move In
Moving in means moving closer to the customer. Live in their world, think about their problems, and think about their clients and prospects. What’s the first step? Research. Preparation. Homework. Industry, regional, business, and company news is now at every salesperson’s fingertips on the Internet. If you’re not intelligently researching your prospect’s issues, challenges, and pressures, how can you possibly come in with a credible solution?
Don’t like sitting at the computer all day? An even better idea is to hit the street. Visit businesses, talk to your contacts in the fields you serve, get some firsthand information about what’s going on in their world – what are their challenges, perspectives, obstacles, priorities; what are their dreams, their “only-ifs,” and their biggest aspirations?
Is this a lot of work? You bet. Do the majority of salespeople put in this kind of effort? No way. Which is exactly why YOU should. That brings us to Move 3.
Move 3: Move Ahead
Moving ahead means going above and beyond what most salespeople are doing. It means putting in the work – yes, the real, hard work – that makes the difference between being a peddler and being a partner.
Want to move ahead? Start by avoiding doing things your prospects dislike.
Here are the top 10 things salespeople do that buyers dislike according to a Purchasing magazine survey. See if you (or your sales team) might be guilty of any of the following professional no-no’s:
10.Failure to keep promises
9. Lack of creativity
8. Failure to make and keep appointments
7. Lack of awareness of the customer's operation ("What do you guys do here?")
6. Taking the customer for granted
5. Lack of follow-through
4. Lack of product knowledge
3. Overaggressiveness and failure to listen
2. Lack of interest or purpose ("Just checking in")
... and the Number 1 dislike: Lack of preparation.
You can also move ahead by charging more (remember Move 1?) and DEMONSTRATING the VALUE of your product service with hard numbers.
In his insightful book, How to Become a Rainmaker, author Jeffrey Fox calls this process dollarizing. Dollarizing is one of the most powerful sales techniques because once you show (with real numbers that your prospect will provide you with) the return on investment – how THIS much spent will generate these much savings, or profits, or sales, or new clients, or hours, etc. – you basically shift the conversation from selling what you’re selling to SELLING MONEY.
In my seminars, I do an exercise called “The Money Machine” that will help you spell this out in hard dollars, very clearly.
The Money Machine goes one step further because you can use it monetize against:
* competing products/services
* the prospect doing nothing
* the prospect doing it themselves
* other things the prospect is already comfortable spending money on
Book a consultation http://jamesmakoetla.me, email me: tsuibila@yahoo.com
Suddenly, your product/service becomes a real “investment”: meaning, you can show people the math behind “this much IN” for “this much OUT.” There’s nothing much easier than selling money at a discount!
Here’s another way to move ahead: stop the ridiculous game of “closing the sale.” Closing is not a technique; closing is not a trick; closing is not about magic phrases and looks and power games. Closing should be a natural extension of your conversation, and the two most effective questions you should ask your prospect as you near the end of your value-based discussion are:
1. Does what we’ve talked about so far make sense?
2. What would you like me to do next?
An answer to Question 1: If you’ve prepared for the meeting, discussed the prospect’s key issues, and monetized the value of your solution, of course, it makes sense!
An answer to Question 2: “Let’s go ahead” or “Let’s do the paperwork.” Or if your prospect answers this with “Get Out” or “Drop Dead,” you have a pretty good idea that the sale is not ready to close. Seriously, carefully listening to the answer to this question will allow you to address any hidden concerns, hesitations, or issues – right then and there before the prospect would otherwise blurt out an abrupt “No!” to any other traditional “ask for the sale” verbiage that so many sales trainers recommend. Remember, you’re not there to sell – you’re there to HELP THE PROSPECT BUY. If you need to tattoo that on your forehead, be my guest.
Move 4: Move Aside
Here’s another thing that most sales and marketing people have a hard time with: you can’t be all things to all people. Move Aside is about finding your niche, and claiming your expertise in a narrow area of specialty. In plain English, this means you want to become the “Go-To Guy” for your specific product or service – the exact opposite of a “jack-of-all-trades and master of none.”
The people you speak with will have a very different reaction to these two mental images of your product/service:
* “I think we can make this fit.”
* “This is exactly what we’ve been looking for.”
Let me give you an example. There’s a real company that lists among its services “Carpet removal, house cleaning, odd jobs, catering.” Now, I don’t know about you, but when I want a caterer, I’m looking for someone who does catering 24/7. I don’t want to have to worry about “Did they wash their hands after the carpet removal job and before serving my guests?” In fact, if I’m looking for a caterer for a wedding, I might even be drawn to “Wedding Bells Catering” much more so than “Sam’s Catering” or “Good Eats Catering.”
Here’s another example. There are lots of graphic design companies that do all sorts of work – websites, logo design, brochures, collateral material, wine labels, book packaging, etc. You name it, they do it. And business is generally OK. (But let’s face it, if they were going like gangbusters, they probably wouldn’t have sought out my help!) Some of them had a hard time differentiating themselves from the competition and others found it challenging to develop a strong client base and referral network. We’ve had some good success developing their current business, but when we delve into the possibilities of “Moving Aside” and carving out a real niche, or developing one thing that is their flagship specialty, most of my clients get cold feet.
Move 5: Move Alone
Right now, you are lost in a sea of gray. Me-too rules the day. Everywhere you look, there is more and more and MORE of the SAME OLD THING sold by the SAME OLD PEOPLE in the SAME OLD WAY. Boring. And deadly.
The problem is that people don’t buy gray. If you and your company and your offerings blend into the background, you might as well close up shop right now. Let me put it another way: all companies go bankrupt. It’s just a matter of time. Want proof? Out of the 100 largest companies of 50 years ago, 17 survive today. And none of those 17 are the market leaders they used to be.
Why? Shift happens. If you’re not separating yourself from the crowd, you’re blending in – and nobody will even notice you, much less seek you out and tell their friends about you.
Here’s an example of a company that really hasn’t been doing a bad job – but they’re also not the standouts they used to be.
On a recent call to American Express, an executive was straightening out a billing problem. At the end of the call, the operator asked her, “Have I exceeded your expectations for this call?” and the exec flatly answered, “No.” She had a billing problem, and the rep fixed it. That’s the expectation.
Now, if the rep had offered the executive a $50 American Express gift check to be used at any of American Express’ online retail partners, THAT would have exceeded expectations, right? That story would be worth repeating to 10-20 people. Can you imagine the executive telling anyone, “Hey, I called AmEx to fix my billing error. Guess what? They did it!” That’s not moving alone.
Here’s a good test to see if your marketing and sales strategies are in the category of “moving alone” – they are if you’re doing something that:
* is “simply not done” in your industry
* customers will make a remark about (remarkable!)
* goes against conventional wisdom (I call this “uncommon sense”)
* others (including your competition) think is “crazy”
* others (including your competition) will actually be AFRAID to copy
Get silly. Get crazy. Get an attitude. Get noticed.
Author Seth Godin perhaps put this most succinctly when he said, “Safe is risky. And risky is safe.”
Let me conclude with a recap of the 5 Marketing Moves:
1. Move Up = Get more valuable
2. Move In = Get Closer
3. Move Ahead = Get smarter
4. Move Aside = Get specialized
5. Move Alone = Get noticed
Taken together, these will also help you make the Ultimate Move = Get insanely great.
And remember the immortal words of Jerry Garcia:
“You don’t want to be considered the best of the best.
You want to be considered the only ones who do what you do.”
You want to be considered the only ones who do what you do.”
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Video Takes Over the Web
Today, the web has become one of the most common platforms for personal socializing and marketing products and services throughout the world. With more bandwidth, now available for almost the price of peanuts, it has become very easy to put up content in the form of audio, video and images as compared to plain text. As the web began to take off and technology improved, people were able to use and utilize more interactive forms of media via the web.
Because of this, one of the most effective advertising and communicative media- web videos, have taken the place of TV commercials, life experiences and short movies!
Websites like Youtube.com and the likes, have capitalized on this phenomenon and have rooted themselves firmly into the world of videos, which are taking over the web.
With various playback technologies now supported by the web, it has now become easier than ever to incorporate videos on any website, hosted on any platform. The cost of putting up videos on the web is all dependent on the purpose and goal of the web videos.
Many large and small brands alike, have realized the potential of websites like youtube.com, and are releasing videos on the web, for their marketing campaigns. Individuals too, utilize and release web videos over the web. Some videos released over the web, are about sharing life experiences, some are about personal interviews, some for dating and so on.
Videos have taken over the web like a storm and their popularity is ever growing and ever increasing. So much so that, today major search engines like Google and Yahoo are working on web video search algorithms. The popularity of videos over the internet has soared to new heights especially with the advent of web video blogs, particularly since the sole purpose of web blogs, in general, is to facilitate the sharing of information, be it personal or commercial, with one’s self and others.
Web videos have another, ulterior advantage as compared to other web media like images, sounds and animation; that being the power to grab attention of all individuals efficiently, since the average attention span of an average Joe or Jane is extremely short and plenty of other options are available. Since, web videos are efficient and more to the point, many prefer to watch rather than read or listen. Web videos also offer extremely high entertainment value, engaging potential readers and customers alike, and the same time they are competent in portraying what one may want others to know, be it life experiences or marketing bottom-lines.
Thus web videos are not only the best and most efficient marketing tools on the web today, but also the best way to communicate and stay in touch with family and friends, express one’s feelings or give personal interviews. The ease of use, entertainment value and attention grabbing ability of web videos coupled up with the fact that they are easy to make/record, upload, and share, is video has taken over the web.
Because of this, one of the most effective advertising and communicative media- web videos, have taken the place of TV commercials, life experiences and short movies!
Websites like Youtube.com and the likes, have capitalized on this phenomenon and have rooted themselves firmly into the world of videos, which are taking over the web.
With various playback technologies now supported by the web, it has now become easier than ever to incorporate videos on any website, hosted on any platform. The cost of putting up videos on the web is all dependent on the purpose and goal of the web videos.
Many large and small brands alike, have realized the potential of websites like youtube.com, and are releasing videos on the web, for their marketing campaigns. Individuals too, utilize and release web videos over the web. Some videos released over the web, are about sharing life experiences, some are about personal interviews, some for dating and so on.
Videos have taken over the web like a storm and their popularity is ever growing and ever increasing. So much so that, today major search engines like Google and Yahoo are working on web video search algorithms. The popularity of videos over the internet has soared to new heights especially with the advent of web video blogs, particularly since the sole purpose of web blogs, in general, is to facilitate the sharing of information, be it personal or commercial, with one’s self and others.
Web videos have another, ulterior advantage as compared to other web media like images, sounds and animation; that being the power to grab attention of all individuals efficiently, since the average attention span of an average Joe or Jane is extremely short and plenty of other options are available. Since, web videos are efficient and more to the point, many prefer to watch rather than read or listen. Web videos also offer extremely high entertainment value, engaging potential readers and customers alike, and the same time they are competent in portraying what one may want others to know, be it life experiences or marketing bottom-lines.
Thus web videos are not only the best and most efficient marketing tools on the web today, but also the best way to communicate and stay in touch with family and friends, express one’s feelings or give personal interviews. The ease of use, entertainment value and attention grabbing ability of web videos coupled up with the fact that they are easy to make/record, upload, and share, is video has taken over the web.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
RSS Feeds Go Crazy In The Marketplace
Learn how easy it is to add RSS Feeds to your websites and increase your stickiness and retention rate of your visitors.
Geeks and Bloggers use RSS exclusively for the publishing and subscribing to news headlines and blog feeds, however many other innovative and useful applications of RSS have been sprouting up here and there.
The marketplace is quickly learning that you can use RSS content feeds for so much more and it's getting crazy and wild out there in the business world.
To see a small sampling of what people are doing with feeds visit http://www.msifetch.com/Unique_Feeds.html
Everything from audios and videos, recipes, graphics, weather, comic strips and much more. It seems there is no limit to what you can do with a little ingenuity and creative thought.
Many of the larger sites are starting to utilize these new features making it a lot more interesting adding such feeds to your website. Companies like Apple, Ebay, Amazon and shopping channels are offering a much more graphical interface than just a headline and a paragraph.
With the web surfer becoming much more "web savvy" than they were a year ago, they are expecting not only information but also an entertaining web experience. People love watching or listening to media and this also means they are more likely to read your message while they are visiting.
While most RSS Feeds were simply headlines and a small amount of text there was not really any reason to add these feeds to your website. As this is rapidly changing the ability to add some of these new feeds means great content for your website and good search engine ranking because of the constantly changing content.
Not only can you bring outside feeds into your sites but it is also very easily create your own from the desktop. Programs like RSS Editor and RSS Builder are free RSS Feed creators that let you make feeds that can then be offered from any website.
Embedding RSS Feeds in your Web Site
MSIFetch http://www.msifetch.com is a new generation of server - site software that allows anyone to take a feed and embed it directly in their website. This new format produces PHP feeds so they look like part of your page and are seen by search engines like content.
There are many services that do this for free however they get most of the credit so to have it all running on your own site makes a lot more sense.
Advertising in RSS Feeds
As publishers have moved towards monetizing RSS feeds, there have been vibrant discussions as to whether advertisements in feeds are viable or whether they will drive subscribers away. At the end of the day while it appears that many are discussing the philosophical approaches to ads in RSS feeds few are taking the time to examine the options available for inserting advertisements in feeds.
Ultimately the advertisements served are going to determine the success of RSS as an advertising medium. The ads served must be related to the content contained in the feed. If the RSS feed contains quality content, the ads are relevant, and the volume of ads is in balance with the volume of content served, advertising in RSS feeds will succeed. Take a closer look at some of the ad serving options currently available for RSS feeds.
RSS Feeds are starting to take on a whole new feel and if you have not yet investigated all the incredible possibilities then you should do your self a favor and have a look.
Geeks and Bloggers use RSS exclusively for the publishing and subscribing to news headlines and blog feeds, however many other innovative and useful applications of RSS have been sprouting up here and there.
The marketplace is quickly learning that you can use RSS content feeds for so much more and it's getting crazy and wild out there in the business world.
To see a small sampling of what people are doing with feeds visit http://www.msifetch.com/Unique_Feeds.html
Everything from audios and videos, recipes, graphics, weather, comic strips and much more. It seems there is no limit to what you can do with a little ingenuity and creative thought.
Many of the larger sites are starting to utilize these new features making it a lot more interesting adding such feeds to your website. Companies like Apple, Ebay, Amazon and shopping channels are offering a much more graphical interface than just a headline and a paragraph.
With the web surfer becoming much more "web savvy" than they were a year ago, they are expecting not only information but also an entertaining web experience. People love watching or listening to media and this also means they are more likely to read your message while they are visiting.
While most RSS Feeds were simply headlines and a small amount of text there was not really any reason to add these feeds to your website. As this is rapidly changing the ability to add some of these new feeds means great content for your website and good search engine ranking because of the constantly changing content.
Not only can you bring outside feeds into your sites but it is also very easily create your own from the desktop. Programs like RSS Editor and RSS Builder are free RSS Feed creators that let you make feeds that can then be offered from any website.
Embedding RSS Feeds in your Web Site
MSIFetch http://www.msifetch.com is a new generation of server - site software that allows anyone to take a feed and embed it directly in their website. This new format produces PHP feeds so they look like part of your page and are seen by search engines like content.
There are many services that do this for free however they get most of the credit so to have it all running on your own site makes a lot more sense.
Advertising in RSS Feeds
As publishers have moved towards monetizing RSS feeds, there have been vibrant discussions as to whether advertisements in feeds are viable or whether they will drive subscribers away. At the end of the day while it appears that many are discussing the philosophical approaches to ads in RSS feeds few are taking the time to examine the options available for inserting advertisements in feeds.
Ultimately the advertisements served are going to determine the success of RSS as an advertising medium. The ads served must be related to the content contained in the feed. If the RSS feed contains quality content, the ads are relevant, and the volume of ads is in balance with the volume of content served, advertising in RSS feeds will succeed. Take a closer look at some of the ad serving options currently available for RSS feeds.
RSS Feeds are starting to take on a whole new feel and if you have not yet investigated all the incredible possibilities then you should do your self a favor and have a look.
Monday, March 11, 2019
Regardless of what you're trying to sell, you really can't sell
it without "talking" with your prospective buyer. And in
attempting to sell anything by mail, the sales letter you send
out is when and how you talk to your prospect.
it without "talking" with your prospective buyer. And in
attempting to sell anything by mail, the sales letter you send
out is when and how you talk to your prospect.
All winning sales letters "talk" to the prospect by creating an
image in the mind of the reader. They "set the scene" by
appealing to a desire or need; and then that flow smoothly into
the "visionary" part of the sales pitch by describing in detail
how wonderful life will be and, how "good" the prospect is going
to feel after he's purchased your product. This is the"body or
guts" of a sales letter.
image in the mind of the reader. They "set the scene" by
appealing to a desire or need; and then that flow smoothly into
the "visionary" part of the sales pitch by describing in detail
how wonderful life will be and, how "good" the prospect is going
to feel after he's purchased your product. This is the"body or
guts" of a sales letter.
Overall, a winning sales letter follows a time-tested and proven
formula: 1) Get his attention 2) Get him interested in what you
can do for him 3) Make him desire the benefits of your product so
badly his mouth begins to water 4) Demand action from him-tell
him to send for whatever it is you're selling without delay- any
procrastination on his part might cause him to lose out. This is
called the " AIDA' formula and it works.
formula: 1) Get his attention 2) Get him interested in what you
can do for him 3) Make him desire the benefits of your product so
badly his mouth begins to water 4) Demand action from him-tell
him to send for whatever it is you're selling without delay- any
procrastination on his part might cause him to lose out. This is
called the " AIDA' formula and it works.
Sales letters that pull in the most sales are almost always two
pages with 1 1/2 spaces between lines. For really big ticket
items, they'll run at least four pages- on an 11 by 17- inch sheet
of paper folded in half. If your sales letter is only two pages
in length, there's nothing wrong with running it on the front and
back of one sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 paper. However, your sales letter
should always be letterhead paper- your letterhead printed,, and
including your logo and business motto if you have one.
pages with 1 1/2 spaces between lines. For really big ticket
items, they'll run at least four pages- on an 11 by 17- inch sheet
of paper folded in half. If your sales letter is only two pages
in length, there's nothing wrong with running it on the front and
back of one sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 paper. However, your sales letter
should always be letterhead paper- your letterhead printed,, and
including your logo and business motto if you have one.
Regardless of the length of your sales letter, it should do one
thing, and that sells, and sell hard! If you intend to close the
sale, you've got to do it with your sales letter. You should
never be "wishy-washy" with your sales letter and expect to close
the sale with a color brochure or circular. You do the actual
selling and the closing of that sale with your sales letter- any
brochure or circular you send along with it will just reinforce
what you say in the sales letter.
thing, and that sells, and sell hard! If you intend to close the
sale, you've got to do it with your sales letter. You should
never be "wishy-washy" with your sales letter and expect to close
the sale with a color brochure or circular. You do the actual
selling and the closing of that sale with your sales letter- any
brochure or circular you send along with it will just reinforce
what you say in the sales letter.
There's been a great deal of discussion in the past few years
regarding just how long a sales letter should be. A lot of people
are asking: Will people really take the time to read a long sales
letter. The answer is a simple and time-tested yes indeed!
Surveys and tests over the years emphatically proven that longer
sales letter pull even better than the shorter ones, so don't
worry about the length of your sales letter- just make sure that
it sells your product for you!
regarding just how long a sales letter should be. A lot of people
are asking: Will people really take the time to read a long sales
letter. The answer is a simple and time-tested yes indeed!
Surveys and tests over the years emphatically proven that longer
sales letter pull even better than the shorter ones, so don't
worry about the length of your sales letter- just make sure that
it sells your product for you!
The "inside secret" is to make your sales letter so interesting,
and "visionary" with the benefits you're offering to the reader,
and he can't resist reading it all the way through. You break up
the "work" of reading by using short, punchy sentences,
underlining important points you're trying to make, with the use
of subheadlines, indentations and even the use of a second color.
and "visionary" with the benefits you're offering to the reader,
and he can't resist reading it all the way through. You break up
the "work" of reading by using short, punchy sentences,
underlining important points you're trying to make, with the use
of subheadlines, indentations and even the use of a second color.
Relative to the brochure or circulars you may want to include
with your sales letter reinforce the sale- providing the
materials you're enclosing are the best quality, they will
generally, reinforce the sale for you. But, if they are of poor
quality, look cheap and don't complement thing, it will
definitely classify you as an independent home-worker if you
hand-stamp you name/address on these brochures or advertising
with your sales letter reinforce the sale- providing the
materials you're enclosing are the best quality, they will
generally, reinforce the sale for you. But, if they are of poor
quality, look cheap and don't complement thing, it will
definitely classify you as an independent home-worker if you
hand-stamp you name/address on these brochures or advertising
Whenever possible, and so long as you have really good brochures
to send out, have your printer run them thru his press and print
your name/address- even your telephone number and company logo-
on them before you send them out. The thing is, you want your
prospect to think of you as his supplier- the company- and not
just another mail order operator. Sure, you can get by with less
expensive but you'll end up with fewer orders and in the end,
fewer profits.
to send out, have your printer run them thru his press and print
your name/address- even your telephone number and company logo-
on them before you send them out. The thing is, you want your
prospect to think of you as his supplier- the company- and not
just another mail order operator. Sure, you can get by with less
expensive but you'll end up with fewer orders and in the end,
fewer profits.
Another thing that's been bandied about and discussed from every
direction for years is whether to use a post office box number of
your street address. Generally, it's best to include both your
post office box number AND, your street address of your sales
letter. This kind of open display of your honesty will give you
credibility and dispell the thought of you being just another
"fly-by-night" mail order company in the mind of the prospect.
direction for years is whether to use a post office box number of
your street address. Generally, it's best to include both your
post office box number AND, your street address of your sales
letter. This kind of open display of your honesty will give you
credibility and dispell the thought of you being just another
"fly-by-night" mail order company in the mind of the prospect.
Above all else, you've got to include some sort of ordering
coupon. This coupon has to be simple and easy for the prospect to
fill out and return to you as you can possibly make it. A great
many sales are lost because this order coupon is just too
complicated for the would-be buyer to follow. Don't get fancy!
Keep it simple, and you'll find you prospects responding with
coupon. This coupon has to be simple and easy for the prospect to
fill out and return to you as you can possibly make it. A great
many sales are lost because this order coupon is just too
complicated for the would-be buyer to follow. Don't get fancy!
Keep it simple, and you'll find you prospects responding with
Should you or shouldn't you include a self-addressed reply
envelope? There are a lot of variables as well as pro's and con's
to this question, but overall, when you send out a "winning"
sales letter to a good mailing list, a return reply envelope will
increase your response tremendously.
envelope? There are a lot of variables as well as pro's and con's
to this question, but overall, when you send out a "winning"
sales letter to a good mailing list, a return reply envelope will
increase your response tremendously.
Tests of the late seem to indicate that it isn't that big of a
deal or difference in responses relative to whether you or don't
pre-stamp the return envelope. Again, the decision here will rest
primarily on the product you're selling and the mailing list
you're using. Our recommendation is that you experiment- try it
boh ways- with different mailings, and decide for yourself from
deal or difference in responses relative to whether you or don't
pre-stamp the return envelope. Again, the decision here will rest
primarily on the product you're selling and the mailing list
you're using. Our recommendation is that you experiment- try it
boh ways- with different mailings, and decide for yourself from
Sunday, March 10, 2019
So, This Is Another Way How Our Advertising Agency Can Advertise Your Business
There are many and varied methods of reaching prospective buyers of your products. We will try to discuss a few in this article.
Please remember, that there are literally dozens of other ways to reach customers. we cannot and will not cover all the methods, but will attempt to cover some of the most widely used methods.
Please remember, that there are literally dozens of other ways to reach customers. we cannot and will not cover all the methods, but will attempt to cover some of the most widely used methods.
We advertise in various trade and business publications. There are magazines like Zip Magazine and Direct Marketing Magazine that
list dozens of mailing lists in each issue. These ads are usually placed by the listing broker. List
manager or the list owner.
This is probably the best method to use if you are
going after big results. It costs a little, but it is well worth the price. We can also advertise your list in
business opportunity magazines and periodicals.
There are hundreds of these publications available
for you to choose from. We will have to make a
test to see which one works best for you.
list dozens of mailing lists in each issue. These ads are usually placed by the listing broker. List
manager or the list owner.
This is probably the best method to use if you are
going after big results. It costs a little, but it is well worth the price. We can also advertise your list in
business opportunity magazines and periodicals.
There are hundreds of these publications available
for you to choose from. We will have to make a
test to see which one works best for you.
We can place classified ads in magazines.
Many advertisers use this method because it is cheap and yet it reaches a very large audience.
Never ask for money directly from a classified ad.
These ads should be used only to solicit inquiries.
When we receive the prospective buyer's inquiry,
We send them all the relative information about your list. Price, names, zip code.
Another very profitable method used by list sellers is to rent a list of prospective buyers from
another seller. Once we attain this list, we
mail out your list information to this list.
Many advertisers use this method because it is cheap and yet it reaches a very large audience.
Never ask for money directly from a classified ad.
These ads should be used only to solicit inquiries.
When we receive the prospective buyer's inquiry,
We send them all the relative information about your list. Price, names, zip code.
Another very profitable method used by list sellers is to rent a list of prospective buyers from
another seller. Once we attain this list, we
mail out your list information to this list.
EXAMPLE . . . If we are selling a list containing
the names of people who have inquired about a book on weight-watching, we might try to rent a
list of names from another dealer who is selling
a book dealing with the same subject.
the names of people who have inquired about a book on weight-watching, we might try to rent a
list of names from another dealer who is selling
a book dealing with the same subject.
We would ask the other dealer to send us a list of
all the people who have rented his list. Since they
rented his list of people interested in weight-watching, there is a good chance they would be
interested in renting a similar list from us.
all the people who have rented his list. Since they
rented his list of people interested in weight-watching, there is a good chance they would be
interested in renting a similar list from us.
As previously stated, there are many more ways
for us to reach prospective buyers. The list of
inventive ways is almost endless. It is up to us to find out which method works best for you.
There is no short-cut - the only way to accomplish
this is by constantly testing all the methods until
we hit the right one for you and for your list.
for us to reach prospective buyers. The list of
inventive ways is almost endless. It is up to us to find out which method works best for you.
There is no short-cut - the only way to accomplish
this is by constantly testing all the methods until
we hit the right one for you and for your list.
Saturday, March 9, 2019
The Real Secrets To Small Business Success
The real secret to small business success has nothing to do with technology tools, the internet or anything like that. In fact, it isn’t even a real secret. It has been around since man started to communicate. It’s WORDS!
Words carry enormous power. They can make you laugh hysterically, or destroy a relationship or friendship. Words have more power in them than any other tool at your disposal.
Effective use of words, especially in business, means skyrocketing sales, satisfied clients, happy employees, and a profitable and secure future. Yet, less than 1% of small entrepreneur businesses use words with full power.
The power of words can be learned and used effectively by anyone, and when this power is harnessed there’s nothing on this earth that can stop you. This art of using words is what is called copywriting. It makes or breaks your sales and advertising material.
One of the ways an “amateur” copywriter who is writing for his own product or business can beat the experienced pro is by infusing the sales letter or ad with his own, honest, intense enthusiasm. When doing selling in print, enthusiasm is just as important as in face-to-face selling.
This is why you can’t just sit down and write an ad “on command” like you can sit down and do bookkeeping. You have to work up some enthusiasm for the job and the proposition you’re putting across.
If I’m going to write an ad or some other sales material the first thing in the morning, as I often do, I try to set my subconscious mind working on that job before I go to bed the night before. Sometimes I wake up with the “big idea” that I need, other times I at least wake up with ideas and a readiness to write them and pick and choose.
Don’t force yourself to “grind out” direct-response copy when you really don’t feel like it because the result will be flat and mechanical. It may be technically correct with a headline, subheads, bullet points, an offer, etc., but it will lack spirit and enthusiasm.
Words carry enormous power. They can make you laugh hysterically, or destroy a relationship or friendship. Words have more power in them than any other tool at your disposal.
Effective use of words, especially in business, means skyrocketing sales, satisfied clients, happy employees, and a profitable and secure future. Yet, less than 1% of small entrepreneur businesses use words with full power.
The power of words can be learned and used effectively by anyone, and when this power is harnessed there’s nothing on this earth that can stop you. This art of using words is what is called copywriting. It makes or breaks your sales and advertising material.
One of the ways an “amateur” copywriter who is writing for his own product or business can beat the experienced pro is by infusing the sales letter or ad with his own, honest, intense enthusiasm. When doing selling in print, enthusiasm is just as important as in face-to-face selling.
This is why you can’t just sit down and write an ad “on command” like you can sit down and do bookkeeping. You have to work up some enthusiasm for the job and the proposition you’re putting across.
If I’m going to write an ad or some other sales material the first thing in the morning, as I often do, I try to set my subconscious mind working on that job before I go to bed the night before. Sometimes I wake up with the “big idea” that I need, other times I at least wake up with ideas and a readiness to write them and pick and choose.
Don’t force yourself to “grind out” direct-response copy when you really don’t feel like it because the result will be flat and mechanical. It may be technically correct with a headline, subheads, bullet points, an offer, etc., but it will lack spirit and enthusiasm.
The person who is genuinely enthusiastic about what he/she is selling definitely has an advantage. That’s why the freelance pro copywriter should always download as much of the pitch from the product’s most enthusiastic salesperson as possible. Then transfer it to paper and shape and mold it to perfection.
Over the years, the work I’ve done for clients and ad agencies has proven that the most successful work was for clients that were passionate and enthusiastic about what they sell. So before you tackle that next ad for your business, make sure you’re as enthusiastic about it as you want your clients to be.
Over the years, the work I’ve done for clients and ad agencies has proven that the most successful work was for clients that were passionate and enthusiastic about what they sell. So before you tackle that next ad for your business, make sure you’re as enthusiastic about it as you want your clients to be.
Friday, March 8, 2019
Video Comes To Web Sites, Blogs Ipods - - How You Can Profit !
Surely you've noticed the enthusiastic talk lately about how easy it is to put the video on your web site or blog. In the past, you had to enlist the help of a professional producer to get even the most simplistic video on your site. That could cost several thousand dollars, and even then, most visitors would have a hard time viewing your video. No more. Today's technology has leaped forward to make professional-looking video a reality for any site or blog. You can also easily deliver video to iPods and embedded in emails. Imagine sending an email to a customer that includes a video that shows her how to use your product or service. Your sales conversion rate skyrockets! Got valuable information people will pay to know? Create a video showing how to do the task, then sell pay-per-view opportunities to see your video. The technology to do this is simple, ready, and dirt cheap. And you don't have to have fancy equipment or complicated training to use this stuff. It's all cheap or free, and you needn't do anything more than point and click your way through the user-friendly system. Even more exciting than how you can use this new video technology to sell your current products and services, is how HUGE the opportunity is to make money on the massive social trend this video technology is unleashing. Just take a moment to remember how instant messaging has taken over. Now millions of people worldwide check AIM and other IM accounts throughout the day to see who's online. Cell phone text messaging has also taken over in schools and offices worldwide. Consider how vast the change will be when people can send personal videos to computers, iPods, and even cell phones. That technology is already available, and people worldwide are starting to jump on board. You can already sign up to earn commissions when people start to use this technology. Just consider that MySpace has 62 million members and Friendster has 24 million members. The demand for technology that builds online communities is proven. The rush to incorporate video into this already established social trend will be the Net's next Gold Rush -- and it could easily dwarf what we've seen before. 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Video Takes The Web
Today, the web has become one of the most common platforms for personal socializing and marketing products and services throughout the world. With more bandwidth, now available for almost the price of peanuts, it has become very easy to put up content in the form of audio, video and images as compared to plain text. As the web began to take off and technology improved, people were able to use and utilize more interactive forms of media via the web.
Because of this, one of the most effective advertising and communicative media- web videos, have taken the place of TV commercials, life experiences, and short movies! Links like https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS3OBm7GKTPAD2Afjq3hrDw and the likes have capitalized on this phenomenon and have rooted themselves firmly into the world of videos, which are taking over the web.
With various playback technologies now supported by the web, it has now become easier than ever to incorporate videos on any website, hosted on any platform. The cost of putting up videos on the web is all dependent on the purpose and goal of the web videos.
Many large and small brands alike, have realized the potential of websites like https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS3OBm7GKTPAD2Afjq3hrDw
, and are releasing videos on the web, for their marketing campaigns. Individuals too, utilize and release web videos over the web. Some videos released over the web, are about sharing life experiences, some are about personal interviews, some for dating and so on.
Videos have taken over the web like a storm and their popularity is ever growing and ever increasing. So much so that, today major search engines like Google and Yahoo are working on web video search algorithms. The popularity of videos over the internet has soared to new heights especially with the advent of web video blogs, particularly since the sole purpose of web blogs, in general, is to facilitate the sharing of information, be it personal or commercial, with one’s self and others.
Web videos have another, the ulterior advantage as compared to other web media like images, sounds, and animation; that being the power to grab the attention of all individuals efficiently since the average attention span of an average Joe or Jane is extremely short and plenty of other options are available. Since web videos are efficient and more to the point, many prefer to watch rather than read or listen. Web videos also offer extremely high entertainment value, engaging potential readers and customers alike, and the same time they are competent in portraying what one may want others to know, be it life experiences or marketing bottom-lines.
Thus web videos are not only the best and most effective marketing tools on the web today but also the best way to communicate and stay in touch with family and friends, express one’s feelings or give personal interviews. The ease of use, entertainment value and the attention-grabbing ability of web videos coupled up with the fact that they are easy to make/record, upload, and share, is video has taken over the web.
Business Services
The JMakoetlaArticleMarketing page offers a variety of affordable advertising and consulting/business services at J Makoetla Article Marketing & Ads.
At J Makoetla Article Marketing you find a group of like-minded people sharing information, experiences, and anecdotes on a topic of common interest.
Why should I consider establishing such a community on my facebook fan page? Here’s What’s in it for my friends, local businesses and me:
Community increases Web site stickness.
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