Monday, June 28, 2021

Untitled video 23

Can Anyone Legitimately Earn Money From The World Wide Web? Knows The Answer!

Can you earn money from the web to help you survive, even prosper, doing so legitimately and without ripping people off or by indulging in illegal activities? The answer is yes, of course, otherwise there wouldn't be much point in writing this article, would there? 🙂 You can earn money legitimately by providing information of high value to internet searchers seeking information on that specific topic. Know that I am not a computer programmer. I do not have extensive knowledge of html, though since I've been "playing" on the web I couldn't help but learn some. I am not a graphic artist but I like to experiment with paint programs on my computer. I like digital photography, and it is gratifying to use my own pictures on my own site should I wish to. My software library does not contain much in the way of programs for web page development. I couldn't build a website from scratch of my life depended on it. My "expertise" is solely related to the areas in which I have earned my living in the years before becoming a web site publisher. I believe that the internet will continue to grow and that every person in the world that logs on for the first time increases the potential for anyone else that wishes to generate an income from the web to be able to do so. I believe that the major players of the web (Google, MSN, Yahoo etc.) will continue to develop their web programs to continuously weed out those that try to take advantage of folks via the internet. So how? How does one make legitimate money? The usual way; hard work, honesty, hard work, simplicity, hard work, and a methodical approach. Oh, and did I mention hard work? 🙂 All kidding aside, the 'work' involved with making money from the web entails writing down information about a subject with which you are already quite familiar. You will be telling folks about a passion you have. So, it's not hard, but it does take time. There is no get rich scheme that works - that, death and taxes are the only certainties in life that I know of. One way to be in business on the web is by offering a virtual "store". Many companies world wide now offer their products on-line, and this is a legitimate method of generating revenue. Providing you have something that others want, and that you are positively positioned (price / service / product mix etc.) you will make money as folks will order from you. I have no interest in creating a virtual store, as I'm not interested in having inventory, a warehouse, shipping and receiving facilities etc. There is always web site consulting as another web site revenue source. From my web wanderings it would seem that there's almost one consultant for every web site on the internet! Far too much competition for me, though the good consultants can profit, the bad ones will not. Like those that sell hard goods, a consultancy needs to be well positioned to survive. I do not have the skills to be an effective consultant to people seeking web expertise, so I don't even try. You may consider a web site with the sole purpose of selling advertising on it as so many of the "fringe" web sites out there do now. How many times have you gone to a site to get information on a subject only to find ads, and links to more ads? Very frustrating, isn't it? Those that undertake this type of venture will find that the major search engines are doing everything in their power to ensure that "fringe" sites like theirs aren't listed with them. If the site isn't listed, no one will find it, and if no one can find the site, revenue will disappear. I choose not to be involved with this sort of chicanery. So what is it that I do to legitimately earn money via the internet? Using software I found on the internet I "fill in the blanks" with knowledge. I use my knowledge of a particular subject and the system turns that knowledge into a web site. The software allows me to create the site in plain English using simple word processor software. It helps me determine if there is a market for the information I want to provide about my subject, and then it converts what I write into a pretty neat internet web site, if I do say so myself! Arriving at my site will accomplish two things for the visitor. As they wander through it they will see what an ill-skilled web site builder has accomplished using some readily available and inexpensive software. They won't know that I'm ill-skilled however, because the site looks really good. Further, as they read the content in my site they will see ads that appear from time to time on those pages. Not many, not intrusive, but ads none the less. The ads are positioned for me courtesy of Google. Google provided me software that can "read" my site, and position "content" ads on the pages, ads that relate to the general content of that particular page and to my site in general. Google pays me when folks legitimately click on the ads on my pages. And Google does pay me. Regularly. The more people that visit, the more potential for visitors to click on the ads on my site, and the greater potential for earnings for me, and more importantly, earnings for the advertiser's that trust their ad budget to Google. Folks visit my site because I write high content value pages about my subject. They find my site by using search words relating to that subject because they are interested in getting information about those words. I write pages about the search words people use, because my software tells me which words that they are using to find information on my subject. No tricks, it's a simple as that. If you write pages about things that people are looking for, they will find your pages. When folks get to my site, I try to ensure that they will find enormous, useful content about the subject they are interested in. The content they find will entices them to stick around and visit other pages on my site. As they do this, the ads that appear will encourage them to visit those on-line advertisers, as the ads refer to the goods and services that they were already looking for, or they wouldn't have even found my site in the first place. See how it all ties together? Ask yourself, what is your area of expertise? What are you passionate about? What is your work history? What hobby do you have that you already know scads of people are interested in? What can you write pages of information on that really and truly provides valuable information to the people that read it? Oh, don't worry about writing your pages in a meaningful way. The software shows you how to do that, too. If you write words that offer valuable content about any topic, and that topic is one that people are interested in (with a world population in the billions, try to find a topic that some folks aren't interested in!) and you use a simple program to turn your written words into a pretty neat web site (helping you avoid taking the time and expense to become a web site developer yourself) then you can make money on the web. As I've said, putting the words to paper takes time. Placing those pages into your site takes time. Research to ensure that you are targeting your page content to the words that people are searching for about your topic takes time. And if you are saddled with a "dial-up" internet connection as I am, waiting for data transmission sure takes time! 🙂 Looking for a fast buck, an easy ride to get lots of money from the net? Then please look elsewhere. Are you considering earning some money for honest work, perhaps thinking about working from home, maybe facing retirement and looking for something to fill your days, maybe a stay-at-home Mom or Dad, or you just want to help others learn about your special interest? You can earn money doing so. Whether those earnings are a lot or a little depends on how many people are looking for information on your subject and how many pages of valuable information you give them when they find your site. Whatever the amount is, know that you can make money on the world wide web. That's certain.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

12 Habits of Successful Small Business Owners

Have you ever heard the phrase: “Happy people look similar...”? the second part of this saying is “... and unhappy people always unhappy in their own way”. But let’s think about the first part - what are the common traits and habits of successful people? Chicken or Egg: Success or Habits? I think - habits are primary and you, probably, will agree. So let’s find out what brings success to people. Where should one start and can one get successful in a small business, by using simple user recommendations? Having successful small business is always a result of harmonious work of mind, body, and soul. Developing a personality in all these directions always brings positive results, even if one is afraid of getting successful. But let’s make it easy. There are only 12 simple steps one needs to make every day if he or she wants to achieve success in their small business, and of course to become a better version of themselves. habits To make it clear, let’s talk about each step. №1. Sleep a minimum of 8 hours and get up early. Yes, there are stories about geniuses who sleep 4 hours a day, but these stories aren’t about long effective work. For complete recovery, our body requires a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. If you sleep less, it’s like you take a credit from your body. It’s possible while it has resources. But what then? I doubt that a businessman can afford some malady, so it’s much better to take of your body, and recover fully. №2. Set daily business goals and write them down. This activity has two benefits: writing is a skill that stimulates the brain. So it is easy to structurize all plans and have a to-do list not only on paper but also in your head. you will never forget some of your ideas or secondary things to do. №3. Create and follow your schedule. It will organize your activities. And it’s the only way to find free time even in the busiest schedule. It may help to add those things you are putting aside “until tomorrow”. For example the gym, educational courses, etc. №4. Add value to your product every day. When developing yourself and your business, day after day add value to your product or service. It is the best strategy to beat competitors and make the business successful for a very long time. Maybe even for your heirs. monsterone powerpoint bundle №5. Don’t dream only, but put your dreams and ideas into practice. There’s a lot of people who dream big and generate great ideas. But there’s a lesser number of people who can put it into practice. Do you have an idea? Start working on it! №6. Thank people even for the smallest things. It will develop your soul and will deliver you results to the heights you couldn’t even imagine. Just try it! Say thanks to a waitress, to a driver, to your secretary even for the smallest favor, to a trainer, to a friend, to God, to mom, wife, a cashier at the shop, or a courier. You will be surprised to realize how many people do something good for you every day. №7. Motivate your team. Each successful business is always about people who stand behind. Make every person in your team respect you and love your business, remember to praise and encourage, motivate each of them every day. Observe how it works in companies, where the staff is motivated and loves what they do. №8. Listen to your customers and staff. Be a good listener. And you will find a wisdom in the seemingly ordinary initiatives. Agree that your staff looks at your business from their own point of view. So they can see things you cannot. Discover it! №9. Ask for help every time you need it. Don’t be arrogant. Things will go much easier and quicker with a help of other people. It is a good practice to have a business mentor or guru, who helps to look at things more globally or locally, handle things in the best of possible ways. №10. Spend time out of office. It’s often really hard for business people. But take it as an investment - observe people and nature, breathe fresh air, take ideas and inspiration, listen to what sudden people are talking around or just meditate in silence. But change your ambiance sometimes. It really helps to find unexpected solutions. №11. Take care of your body. Your body is also your resource and investment. The more healthy and fresh you are, the more clear and effective your brain is, the more energy you have for development. There is a theory that muscles development opens new perspectives. Renewal of normal blood circulation in some parts of the body can influence the way of thinking and attitude to life. So go to massage, do some exercises, or a morning workout. It may change a lot. №12. Learn something new every day. Never stop learning. There is really a lot of useful information in modern webinars or classy literature. Whatever you like, just never stop learning. Find something new every day and you'll never be overboard.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Successful Entrepreneurs Studies conducted have shown that Successful Entrepreneurs possess the same characteristics

Successful Entrepreneurs Studies have shown that successful entrepreneurs possess these characteristics: Keywords: business, successful entrepreneurs, Studies have shown that successful entrepreneurs possess these characteristics: 1. Self-confidence This is that magical power of having confidence in oneself and in one's powers and abilities. 2. Achievement Oriented Results are gained by focused and sustained effort. They concentrate on achieving a specific goal, not just accomplishing a string of unrelated tasks. 3. Risk Taker They realize that there is a chance of loss inherent in achieving their goals, yet they have the confidence necessary to take calculated risks to achieve their goals. Entrepreneurs are people who will make decisions, take action, and think that they can control their own destinies. They are often motivated by a spirit of independence which leads them to believe that their success depends on raw effort and hard work, not luck. So which of these three main characteristics is the most important? Believe it or not, it has to be self-confidence. Without self-confidence, nothing else is possible. If you don't believe in your abilities, then the first challenge that arises may knock you off the path to achieving your goals. Here are a few things to keep in mind for maintaining a higher level of self-confidence. Positive Thinking Well, it all starts with a positive attitude, doesn't it? Believing that something good will happen is the first step. Negative thinking simply is not allowed. You must truly believe that there are no circumstances strong enough to deter you from reaching your goals. Remember too, that positive thinking can be contagious. When positive thinking spreads, it can open doors to new ideas, customers, friends, etc. Persistent Action Now all of the positive thinking and believing in the world is useless if it is not applied towards a goal. You have to take action, no excuses are allowed. This action must also be persistent. Trying once and then giving up is not going to be enough. Keep at it one step at a time. If you can't get by a certain step, then find a creative way to try again or just go around it. At the beginning of this article we identified a few traits that are common among successful entrepreneurs. You should be able to look ahead and see yourself where you want to be. Now just maintain a strong belief in yourself and your skills, stick with it, and don't give up. If you can do that, you're already half way there!

Friday, June 18, 2021

A Guide To Advertising in The Media Supports strategic advertising and marketing approach

A Guide To Advertising In The Media The media is a powerful thing -- the average person spends an enormous amount of their life consuming it in one form or another, and will spend a significant percentage of that time looking at, listening to or watching advertisements. If you want to use the power of the media, though, you need to know what you're doing. Advertising in Newspapers and Magazines. There are two kinds of advertising you can get in newspapers and magazines: classified and display. Classifieds... The media is a powerful thing -- the average person spends an enormous amount of their life consuming it in one form or another, and will spend a significant percentage of that time looking at, listening to or watching advertisements. If you want to use the power of the media, though, you need to know what you're doing. Advertising in Newspapers and Magazines. There are two kinds of advertising you can get in newspapers and magazines: classified and display. Classifieds are the small ads towards the back of the publication, while display ads can be almost any size, from a small corner of a page to a massive double-page spread. If there's a publication you're interested in advertising in, either go to its website (the rate card section) or call its advertising department to find out the rates it charges. Now pick your jaw up off the floor. Yes, advertising in the print media really is that expensive, and for most home businesses it probably just won't be that economical. There is, however, an exception: niche and trade magazines. If you've ever looked around in a newsagent, you will have seen just how many magazines there are out there, filling every conceivable gap in the market. You need to find the magazine that people who are interested in your services might read. For example, if you're a wedding photographer, look for a magazine called 'Your Wedding', 'Bride', or something similar. Advertising in these magazines will be far cheaper than placing an ad in a general-audience publication, and far more likely to actually get some responses. Advertising on the Radio. Wherever you are, the chances are that there's a local radio station. Once your home business grows to a decent size, you might consider buying some time on it. Really, though, the only kind of home business that can benefit enough from radio ads to justify the cost is one that does anything to do with cars. Since radio is almost entirely limited to use as in-car entertainment now, you know that almost everyone your ad reaches will be a car-owner, and so might be interested in what you're offering. If you offer something that people need cheaply or even for free, you can get a big response. Unfortunately, that response could be a little too big -- thanks to the time-sensitivity of radio, you'll get mobbed the next day, and then everyone will forget you again. Radio advertising offers the listener no opportunity to keep your ad and refer to it later, or to find it again in the future. You will find that any ads involving a phone number are spectacularly useless. Advertising on the Television. Unless your business is getting pretty big, this would be quite a bad idea. You'd have trouble producing and airing an ad even on local cable channels for less than $10,000. Of course, if there's a market for your product and you've got the budget for this, you could take a gamble and make a mint. The home businesses that tend to do best out of TV ads are ones that have a 'unique and useful invention' product with easy-to-demonstrate benefits -- think infomercial. Research shows that you can sell almost anything given a 60-second ad, a free phone number and a price point of $19.95. Advertising on Billboards. Here's one that gets overlooked pretty often, but can be very effective if you do it right. Billboard ads are relatively expensive, but they do generally stay up for a long time, and they can be very specifically targeted to an area -- the one where they're physically located. You'll have the best results with this if you can put one near enough to your business that it could say 'turn left at the next junction', or something like that. Phone numbers are, again, pretty useless, although you could have some luck putting a website address up there. Advertising at the Movies. Finally, here's one that often gets overlooked. If you turn up to the cinema early, you might have seen that before the big-budget ads, ads for local businesses are run. This can be a great place to advertise relatively inexpensively in quite a high-profile way, and it works especially well for takeaway food businesses.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Online Advertising Makes It Simple for to prove Importance of Online Advertising

The advancement of the World Wide Web since the last ten years has completely changed the advertising landscape. Online advertising is evolving rapidly with time. Nearly half of the world’s population uses the Internet and people of all age groups are connected to the web. Online advertising is mainly done to expand business on a large scale. It is all inclusive, affordable and easy to handle. Also, it provides multiple opportunities for both small and large firms to enhance their sales in an efficacious manner. There are no limits or barriers to who can hop onto online advertising and add it to their strategy to boost their online presence. You can manufacture diapers, fast fashion, be a global PEO or a ceramic artist. Online advertising is the the present, the future and an essential part of all businesses who want to survive. Why Online Advertising is Important? Online advertising is crucial for the success of an online business. Research shows that people are increasingly using the Internet to seek information about products and their prices before making final decisions. This means you can’t really afford to ignore online advertising as most of your customers are researching online. Every entrepreneur and marketer should use this modern-age advertising tool. It enhances their client base, leads generations, marketing reach and ultimately helps increase their profits. Let’s have a look at six major benefits of online advertising. Global Reach Through Internet advertising, you can highlight your business beyond your local area and reach out to your target audience worldwide. You don’t have to travel anywhere to expand your business; you can easily connect with your audience with the help of the Internet. With this, your business will be accessible to millions of clients. Prospects may later turn into your customers and help you gain more profits. As your business widens its reach on the Internet, it will have more prospects and leads in future and ensure more profits. Cost Effective One of the greatest benefits of online advertising is its cost effectiveness. Unlike other conventional methods you don’t have to spend millions of dollars to promote your products and services. It’s inexpensive and affordable for marketers to promote their business online. Target Audience Online advertising helps you find the right audience. It targets the ones who are more likely to be interested in what you’re selling. Online advertising tools such as, online display ads, social media ads like Facebook and Twitter Ads, video ads make it easier to reach your types of target audience. This will further help you in generating more leads and making your campaigns more effective and profitable. Engage Your Customers The Internet is the best platform to keep your target audience engaged. Do thorough research on your target audience and find out what type of products and services they are looking for and what they think about your products. Plan your ad campaigns accordingly. Access to Data With the help of online analytics tools, you can decipher which strategies are working for you and which are not. You can analyze customer data such as keyword data and can further make the required changes. You can easily track the conversion and measure the effectiveness of your campaign. This data helps you identify areas for improvement in your ads and advertising strategy as well. Fast and Easy Unlike traditional marketing and advertising methods, online advertising is fast and easy. Traditional advertising procedure is too long and consumes much time. But in online advertising the moment you start your ad campaign, you start receiving qualified leads. This allows you to reach your goals quickly.

Monday, May 24, 2021


The American Dream is, and always will be, to come up with an idea, start a business and become rich from your own efforts. Based upon this motivation, thousands of businesses fail each year, due primarily to not being familiar with the basics involved in running a business. This report will enlighten you, and give you a number of suggestions you can use to better guarantee your chances for success. This report is written with the warning that any and every business venture contains certain inherent risks, and any number of alternatives. We do not espouse that any one way is the right way or that our suggestions are the only way. On the contrary, we advise that before investing any money in a business venture, you seek counselling and help from a qualified accountant and/or attorney. Just about the first thing you should consider before deciding to start or purchase a business is the legal form you'll be operating under. There are basically four choices: sole proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, and/or corporation. Each has a number of advantages and disadvantages. We'll try to enumerate some of them for you. As much as anything else, for many people starting a business is a form of ego-gratification, and they form a corporation for some sort of prestige gain - just to say, "I own a corporation." With just a little bit of observation, you'll find that one of the major causes of business failures is due to the founder wasting start-up capital on frills, such as an impressive store-front office, expensive furnishings, and corporate legal costs. One of the basic traits you must develop if you're going to be successful in business, is a tight hold on your expenditures. In fact, a good rule of thumb is that anything that does not make money for you or protect your investment, should not be purchased at this time. Very definitely, this applies to the expense of setting up your own corporation. Unless you have a partnership and start your business as such, the only real advantage to forming a corporation would appear to be that a corporate structure will semi-protect the property you personally own. As an example, you own a home and car. You form a corporation to protect these possessions from business losses. Yet, if you can be found guilty of misusing corporate funds, your business creditors can pierce the corporate shield and come after your possessions. Basically, if you invest everything you have in your business, as most newcomers do, you don't usually need a corporation because you have nothing to protect. Your household possessions personal belongings, generally your car, and even a portion of the equity in your home is protected by the homestead provision of the Federal Bankruptcy Act, and cannot be taken away from you. As a sole proprietor or partner of a business you'll be paying taxes on your overall earnings, much the same as if you were holding down a salaried or hourly paid job. Whether you do or don't take out money as a salary will have no bearing on the earnings of your business and tax return. The often advertised advantage of incorporating, that you can manipulate your salary in order to save on tax dollars, is real because of corporation laws. However, the IRS frowns on this practice. When your business is successful and making a lot of money, definitely check with your accountant on the advantages of incorporating.
As a corporation, you'll be subject to a number of other drawbacks as well: generally higher state taxes, stricter laws concerning the operation of your business, more elaborate accounting procedures, and legal papers that are required just about every time you make a major move or sign almost any contract. Thus, your legal and accounting fees will be much higher as a corporation than will those required for a sole proprietorship type of business. As a sole proprietor or partnership, you'll find many areas require the registration of your business name. The cost however, is minimal, ranging from $5 to $100. About the best way to find out what laws apply in your area, is to call your bank and ask if they need a fictitious name registration card or certificate in order for you to open a business account. Selecting a name for your business is quite important to you and particularly relative to advertising. Your business name should describe the product or services you offer. Fancy names such as, Linda's Clipping Service will lose potential "walk-in and passing" customers to the beauty shop across the street that calls itself, Patti's Beauty Salon or Jane's Hair Styling Shop. The advantage of using your full name in the title of your business, such as Johnny Jones' Meat Lockers, has the advantage of making credit somewhat easier to come by - provided you pay your bills on time - but it also includes the disadvantage of confining your services to a local or at most, a regional area. Should you buy, lease, or rent a space for your business? think twice before you make any decision along these lines. Most businesses tend to grow quickly or they never get off the ground. There are a few exceptions, but only a very few, that tend to grow at a modified rate. So, buying a piece of property and setting up your business on or within that property, obligates you to ownership regardless of what happens to your business. Leases are almost always very strong contracts written by attorneys to the advantage of the property-owner. When you sign an agreement to pay someone for the use of their space over any length of time, you're "nailed in" to paying for that space regardless of what happens to your business. In the beginning, it's wise to either get the shortest-term lease possible, or arrange to rent with an option to lease at a later date. This does not apply to a retail business, unless your particular business happens to be an untried one. Definitely, you should open a business bank account. In selecting a bank for your business, scout around and look for one that can, and will help you. Determine what your banking needs will be, and then via telephone, interview the managers of the banks in your area. The important convenient bank to your business location. A point to remember: the closer you can make the relationship between you and the bank manager, the better your chances are going to be for approval on loans and/or special favors you may need at a later date. Try to become acquainted with as many of the bank employees as possible. The better you know them, the more courtesies they'll be extending especially to you in the course of your association. Just as a doctor is a specialist in his field, and you go to him for medical problems, your banker is a specialist in his field and you should go to him for your money problems. In business, you'll have to learn that everyone is an expert in his own line of work, and in your associations with other business people, refrain from acting like a "sharpie" and/or pretending that you know exactly how everything works in someone else's specialty. You'll find that very often, different banks specialize in different types of businesses. As an example, you're sure to find banks that specialize in real estate transactions, export-import businesses, and even manufacturing operations only. What I'm saying here is that if you're planning to sell a fairly expensive item, your customers will probably need and/or want financing. It will behoove you to select a bank familiar with your type of product that will afford your customers, through you, contract financing. Some of the questions you should ask of your banker include the following: Is it necessary to maintain a certain balance in your account before the bank will approve a loan for you? What qualifications must you have in order to obtain a line of credit with the bank? Does the bank limit the number of loans, or types of loans it will approve for small businesses? What is the bank's policy regarding the size of a check you might deposit that requires holding for collection? And what about checks less than that amount - will they be immediately credited to your account? In almost all types of businesses, it will be to your benefit to set up with your bank, a method of handling VISA, Master Charge, and regional credit cards. The important thing here is to ultimately set up your account in the bank that will service all of these credit transactions for you - one stop for all your banking needs. In most instances, you'll find that having the capability to fill orders/make sales via credit card transactions, will increase your volume of sales appreciatively. Once you've made the decision as to which bank is going to handle your account, you'll need your Social Security Number or your Federal Employer's Identification Number, your driver's license, the fictitious name certificate, and if you're requesting a VISA or Master Charge franchise, you'll also need a financial statement. For corporations, you'll also need a corporate resolution approving of the opening of your business account. There are different policies exercised in just about every state regarding installation/hook-up charges by the telephone and utility companies. Some require a deposit, and some don't. You'll find that a great number of city business license departments are there solely for the purpose of collecting another tax. Depending on the type of business you're asking a license for, the building and zoning people may inspect your premises for soundness of structure and safety. Generally, you won't encounter any difficulties - you simply pay your fee to operate your business in that city, and the clerk types your name onto a city license certificate. Relative to sales tax permits and licenses, each state's rules and regulations vary widely. The best thing to do is call your state offices and ask for information concerning registry and collection procedures. Many states require an advance deposit or bond, and you'll find that some wholesalers or manufacturers will not sell to you at wholesale prices until you can show them your sales tax permit or number. Should your business entail selling your products or services across state lines, in another state, you're not required to collect taxes except in those where you have offices or stores. You may find also that your particular business requires the collection of Federal Excise Taxes. For information along these lines, check in with your local office of the Internal Revenue Service. Some states also require certain businesses to hold state licenses, such as those required in many states for TV Repairmen. These are known as "occupational permits" and are most often required of barbers, hair stylists, real estate people and a number of other consumer oriented businesses. If you have any doubts, check with your state offices for a list of those occupations that require licensing. Any business doing business in any type of interstate commerce is subject to federal regulations, usually through the Federal Trade Commission. This means that any business that shops, sells or advertises in more than one state is subject to such regulation, and this includes even the smallest of mail order operations. Normally, very few business people ever have and contact with the federal regulatory agencies. The only exceptions being when there is a question of your operating your business unethically or illegally. Any business that sells or distributes food in any manner almost always requires a county health department permit. If your business falls into this category, simply call the county health department and invite them out to your place of business for an inspection. The fees generally range from about $25, depending on the size of your business when they first inspect it for permit approval. There are also a number of businesses that require inspection by a fire marshal, and fire department approval. Generally, these are those that handle flammable materials or attract large numbers of people, such as a theater. Overall, the local fire department has to be allowed to inspect your premises whenever they desire to do so. You may also run into a requirement for an air and/or water pollution control permit. These specifically apply to any business that burns anything, discharges anything into the sewers or waterways, or use any gas-producing product, such as a paint sprayer. Without a doubt, you'll need to check on local regulations relating to advertising display signs. Each city or township makes its own rules and then enforces those rules according to its own thinking -check before you contract to have a sign made for your business. The design and placement of your sign is very important to your business - specifically to retail establishments - but let me remind you that your business sign is usually the first thing a potential customer sees and as such, it should catch his eye and leave an impression that lasts. It would be a good idea to ride around your town and take a look at the signs that catch your eye, and try to determine the impression of the business that sign leaves on you. This is a basic learning formula for determining the design, size and placement of your business sign. Some of the other things to consider before opening for business - If you intend to employ one or more employees, you'll be required to deduct Federal Income Taxes, and Social Security payments from their checks. This will involve your filing for a Federal Tax Number and necessitates contact with your local IRS Office. Most states have "unemployment taxes" which will have to be deducted from the paychecks of any employees you hire. And there are a number of states that have income taxes - disability insurance - and any number of other taxes. Again, the best thing to do is check with your local office of the IRS. And above all else, don't forget to ask for the rules of the minimum wage law, and comply. When your business grows to the point of needing additional help, don't be afraid to look for and hire the help you need. when you're ready to hire someone, simply run an ad in your local paper and/or register your needs with the local office of your state's employment service. Businesses either grow or die, and those that grow eventually need more people in order to continue growing. When that time comes, hire the additional people you need, and your business will continue growing. If you don't, for whatever reason, you'll find yourself married to your business and your business growth stymied. Regardless of how small your business is when you begin, never walk in with the thought in mind that it's something to keep you busy. Anyone with an attitude of that kind is a fool. You begin and make a business successful in order to realize financial freedom. Establish your business. Put it on its feet, and then hire other people to do the work for you. And those businesses that require an operations manager, or someone to run a phase of the business you're too busy to handle, hire the person needed or the business will surely suffer. To protect the investment of your business, you need business insurance. If you've never had any experience with business insurance, simply look under the heading of "business insurance" in your phone directory. Ask for bids from several different companies or agents...Primarily, you should have a policy that gives you general liability, fire, workmen's compensation, business interruption, and vehicle coverage. You may also want coverage against possible losses related to burglary, robbery, Life & Accident, Key Man, and Fidelity Bonds. As the sole proprietor of a business, you won't be paid as an employee, so there will be no income tax deducted from whatever you withdraw from the company's earnings. What you'll have to do is again check with the IRS Office for a Tax Guide For Small Businesses Handbook, and probably end up filing an estimated tax return on a quarterly basis. The minute you open your doors for business, you'll have to spend some time engaged in the work of bookkeeping. Exactly how, and using what forms, you keep books, should be on the recommendations of a good tax counselor...The same holds true for your overall business and/or payroll accounting system. Look for an experienced CPA that knows the accounting problems to your particular kind of business, and solicit his advise/counseling. If your business is going to involve the possible purchase or lease of operating equipment, again seek the help of your tax counselor for the most advantageous method of obtaining the needed equipment. Basically, arranging for your suppliers to give you materials on credit will depend upon your honesty and personal financial statement. The best way is usually a personal visit to the person with the power to approve or disapprove of credit at the company where you want to set up a credit account. Show him your financial statement, and explain your prospects for success. Then assure him that you've always honored all of your obligations, and that if ever there's a question or problem, you'd like for him to call you at home. And of course, give him your home phone number. We won't go into the exigencies of advertising your products, services or business here, but there is something along these lines you should always keep in mind. The best kind of advertising your business can receive is that you don't really pay for - publicity. When something unusual happens to you, your business, or your employees - that's news, so be sure to tell the news media in your area about it. In closing, let me say that the most important ingredient of your eventual success will be the soundness of the planning you did before you started your business. Any number of bad things can really throw your business into a tailspin, but if you've done your homework well - really set up a detailed business plan before starting - your losses or setbacks will be minimal. Success takes planning, and within this report, you've got a basic checklist...The rest is up to you...Good luck, and may your life overflow with success in all that you undertake from this moment forward.