Sunday, October 25, 2020 Is Now Advertising On Social Networking and Internet Marketing Sites

 When you are looking for different places where you can use your Internet marketing skills, then you may want to check out some social networking sites. However, before you start using these kinds of sites, you may first want to know, what is a social networking site and how can it helps you? Well, a social networking site is a place where tons of people go to hang out online. This is a place where people will spend tons of time with friends just chatting the day away. Now that you know what social networking is, you should be able to see how this could help an online business. Think of it like this. If your business was not online, you would want to place your ads in areas that had a lot of people. Think of a social networking site as being like a mall. If you just place your ad in a gas station, then only a few people would see it. However, if you have an ad in the mall, then the people that are working there, the people that are shopping there, and the people that are hanging out there are all going to see your ad. This means that social networking sites are kind of like the "mall" on the Internet.

If people are going to be online at these sites all the time, then you might as well make the most out of it. The best way to do that is to advertise on these sites. However, there is a right way and a wrong way. Just like a lot of other online sites, people do not like you to go around advertising your business online at their sites. Take MySpace for example. They do not want you to start a profile that is called "Jack's Online Meat Shop" and try to get people to go to your site by spending a lot of time on MySpace and advertising your business. This would be the wrong way to go about advertising. However, if you have an ad that you want to place on MySpace, then all you need to do is talk to the people that run the site. Tell them that you would like to place some ads on their site, and you would like to know how much that would cost you. Then you can find out how many ads you can place on their site and how much it's going to cost you.

There are tons of place where you can advertise online, but if you are going to spend money to advertise, then you might as well do it in a place that is going to make you a lot of money. There is no reason to spend money putting ads all over the Internet if it's not going to help you. If your site does not get a lot of traffic, then people are not going to want to place ads on your site. So the next time you are thinking about different places you would like to advertise, remember that the more people that are hanging out at that site, the better. This means that you are going to have to spend your money on the sites you know are going to make you a ton of money.

Saturday, October 24, 2020 To Help Your Business Grow

 Internet marketing tips can be found in plenty in the internet. Follow the tips which are tried and tested and never go blindly after any tip which you come across. Internet marketing after all is a huge business and you must know the proper procedures to be successful.

To do business online, you must have Internet marketing tips handy to guide you. Internet marketing is a relatively new marketing strategy and everybody is doing internet marketing these days. Internet marketing is all about promoting, selling and buying of goods and services in the World Wide Web. There are many websites in the internet, and so the trick lies in bringing visitors to your website by adopting effective internet marketing tips and strategies.

The first thing for internet marketing for your product is to have a website for the product. This is the first and foremost internet marketing tips. The site must be properly designed combining the different elements of designing in just the right proportion. See that the site has proper navigability and functionality, so that visitors keep coming back to your site to buy things.

You can find hundreds and thousands of tips on internet marketing, but what you have to do is utilize that which is best for bringing new clients to your site. Take part in as many forum discussions as possible in the internet. Prepare blogs for your site and make your presence felt everywhere in the internet. Create a buzz in the internet about your site and try to bring in as many visitors as you can to your site. This is one way of bringing visitors and prospective clients to your site.

Put up good and accurate and relevant information in the content of your site about the product or service you are offering. Visitors come to online sites looking for information and if they do not find what they are looking for, they will simply go to the next website. There is no limit for options when a person is searching for information in the World Wide Web. Keep on updating the contents of your site regularly with relevant information. This will surly give you a distinct edge over your rivals.

Publishing letters and ezines is another internet marketing tips which can be utilized for your online business site. They are good source of communication to keep in touch with your existing and prospective customers of your business. You can keep your customers regularly informed about any new schemes which you undertake for growing your business from time to time.

The cost of advertising in the internet is less compared to advertising in any other medium. Besides being cheap internet marketing can be accessed by anyone at anytime from any corner of the world. This is an important aspect which must be remembered which undertaking internet marketing for a product or service. The whole universe is your market, so take care of global needs while putting up information in your site about the product you are selling.

Internet marketing tips are meant to guide a person who is entering the field of internet marketing, but does not have proper knowledge about it. Following the internet marketing tips carefully will surely help your business grow, since they are tried and tested methods of achieving success in the internet. Project your business in the proper way and give the customers a clear picture about what services you are offering them. Also let them know if you are offering them any freebies or offers very clearly. I am sure following good internet marketing tips will spell success for your business.

Saturday, August 22, 2020


What is the importance of building customer relationships? Customer relationship plays a key role in gaining loyal customers which further boosts customer retention. Having loyal customers to your brand enhances the business growth and also the revenue.

But before we dive into it, are you aware of the need of customer relationship management? Loyal customers define the success of a business. Happy and loyal customers are the key to a successful business, which is why we are now experiencing a sudden shift in business strategies. Earlier, the focus was mainly on the marketing and advertising of business products and services. Now, users are least interested in aggressive business promotions. Businesses are now working on ways to build a strong relationship with their customers.

The real value of a business is known by the number of customers it can serve efficiently. The more customers are served, the more the organization is valued. This is why business owners are now keen on exploring Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for their businesses.  

As a business owner, are you also often confused about how to maintain a good customer relationship?

Here are some techniques to build a strong customer relationship:

Two-way Communication

The key to any good relationship is two-way communication. For healthy two way communication, it is important that the conversation is on a topic that interests both the parties. The users would be more interested in having a generic conversation that interests them instead of having a conversation specific to business promotion.

As for the business growth, communication helps gain loyal customers. Instead of just promoting and talking about your business, products and services, try having meaningful conversations with the users.

Give more than promised

The best way to retain customers is to give more than promised and we assure you that they will stick to your brand. This definitely boosts customer retention.

The main aim is to keep your customers happy and impressed. Satisfied customers act as advertisers by promoting your brand by word of mouth. An example of this is when a user gets a free service in addition to a service that he/she paid for. There is no reason for a user to not like your brand.

Ask for feedback

Asking for customer’s feedback makes them feel like they are being valued. And they share their real experience with your brand, whether good or bad. A good experience acts as a magnet to attract more users. Make sure to respond to negative comments as well. Not responding to a comment is the probably the worst thing you can do for your brand and brand image. This gives a clear picture of the needs and requirements of your customers. The better your offerings meet their needs, the more your business will grow in the future.

Giant corporations conduct regular surveys to identify any loopholes in their marketing strategy. This helps them market their business precisely and boost the customer relationship.   

Virtual communities

In the era where technology and the Internet are ruling the marketing space, users end up spending a maximum of their time on the Internet or on social media channels. For businesses who want to develop strong customer relationships, creating virtual communities is the best option available.

As business owners, you can create communities on social media channels to initiate conversations and bring in engaging customers who would be willing to have one-on-one conversations. This would increase global recognition for your business as well.

We hope by now you know the role of CRM in customer retention and what are the strategies to build a good customer relationship.


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Here's Sample Of A Wining Content Marketing Strategy Documentation Map For Your Business


Here’s a new content marketing strategy documentation map

by james makoetla

The majority of enterprise content marketers don’t have a documented strategy, according to recent research. The CMI found that almost two thirds of professional content folk haven’t yet bothered to write down their strategy.

In some circles that’s akin to not having a strategy at all, but I don’t find it particularly surprising. Plenty of experienced, established teams seem to work without documentation in place, but it seems to me that content marketing has evolved to the point where it’s really easy to lose focus.

I’m currently going through the process of establishing a content strategy from scratch and thought I’d share what I’m doing, which I’ve summarized in the visualization below. I guess each of these areas could be a chapter heading in a handy reference guide for the team.

Content marketing strategy document map

All pretty top level, you understand, but I’ll explain a bit about each area below.


There’s no standard template for this, so far as I know. In any event, what’s right for me might be wrong for you. But I would say that your ‘documentation’ should amount to more than a simple mission statement.

Big picture strategy slogans are one thing, but to actually make things happen, you need a lot of detail. Your team needs to know where to look – or who to look to – when they want something.

If you don’t have proper documentation in place, then they will look to you, and you will turn into a repetitive answer machine. Heavy bummer.

It might be that a lot of the supporting documentation already exists, in some shape or form. It’s just that it is unfinished, or out of date, or unstructured, and very possibly unshared. Why not put some time aside to get things together?

Assembling a collection of useful documents – alongside a goal-orientated series of targets – will help you to keep things on track. Your team will thank you for it, especially newcomers.

Let’s go through the four key areas to think about (Goals, Tactics, People, Processes), and the three others that are loosely filed under productivity (Assets, Tools and Tech).

In business, everything revolves around goals, unless you’re crazy, so I’ll start there.


Content marketing teams exist to support all kinds of businesses goals. Some are more important than others. Goals can be strategictactical or based around task completion. Macro, micro, nano. Company, department, team member. Or mission, campaign, task.

Goals should be written down and ideally visible across teams, since you rarely work in a vacuum. Performance stats should be visible too, because transparency is a winning ticket.

Note that you always, always, always need a feedback loop, to measure what works and what doesn’t. Without that you cannot hope to function properly, nor maximize your chances of success. Nor, for that matter, demonstrate ROI (or the lack of it).

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When it comes to goals, there are three main things to sort out…

Mission statement. This is your elevator pitch, and can probably be condensed into a sentence or so. You want to cram as much meaning and clarity in these few words as possible, to quickly answer questions such as “why are we investing in content marketing?”

Targets. You can use tools to set, assign and monitor goals, or just put something together in Google Docs and share it with whoever needs to see it.

Metrics. Once clearly defined goals and targets have been set you can take some measurements and track metrics as you move forwards. Set up your analytics reports and monitor performance as you progress.


Once you know what your goals are, you can figure out how to go about achieving them. This is where tactics come into play.

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Research. Gut feel is a fine place to start, but tactics should be based around insight, rather than opinions. This calls for some research. Use whatever sources of data and information you can to build up a picture of the world according to your target audience.

Audience research. Figure out needs, where they like to hang out, what makes them tick, what they respond to, which competitors they talk about, who their friends are, who they respect… that kind of stuff.

Customer research. You need to know who your existing customers are before finding similar people. How do customers interact with your brand? What works?

Competitor research. It’s worth having a sniff around but there’s no need to obsess over competitor activity. Worry about your own game. Planning is a natural extension of worrying.

Personas and user journeys. Put together some personas, user stories, customer journeys, and make sure everybody is aware of the paths you want visitors to take.

Keyword research. This is rather more audience-centric than the foundational technical SEO basics, such as making your site fast. Search queries reflect consumer intent, and it is your job to create the kind of content that ranks well for target phrases.

Keyword research works best when it is truly strategic, with content mapped to specific business goals. Your content comes only after you have defined and prioritised your keyword wishlist. Or you’re doing it wrong.

Funnel. How do your customers actually become customers? Understand the various journeys through the funnel. See what’s working, and think about how your content can play a role at each stage.

Content mapping. Great, you’ve mapped content throughout the funnel, but happens after somebody has become a customer? Increasing retention and customer advocacy are two of the best things you can do in business, and your content can go a long way in supporting these primary business goals. Take ownership, if necessary.

Content mapping - funnel

Formats. After you’ve done your homework, you can start to think about the actual content. Thoughts will turn to the type of content you might create, and the formats you can use. What is possible, given your team, your budget and your platforms?

Distribution. Hold up, cowboy. Don’t let the tail wag the dog. In this case the tail is content. And the dog, well, that’s distribution. Simply put, why are you making a video when you haven’t given a moment’s thought to YouTube? And what feeds YouTube? Ah yeah, reddit does.

These channels are potentially going to be the difference between a small win in local circles and a global viral. Why wouldn’t you want to optimize your distribution channel strategy?

How will people find your article? What’s your social strategy? Are you going to do any paid distribution? How are you going to nail down some excellent Google placements?

Figure out how to get the best out of your main channels, and you’ll get way more bang for your buck from each piece of content.

SEO. The  probably need to be informed about your preferred search setup. Right?

Once you’ve got this together it becomes much easier to direct your efforts, and change tack if necessary.

The main success factor will be linked to the quality of content you create, and that’s something that you can also provide documented guidance on. Share internal and external knowledge, and make it easily accessible across teams.


You may know who everybody is and why they matter, but does the rest of your team? Think about the various people who stand to benefit from your success, and always remember the ones who took on some risk when you started out.

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Stakeholders. Not just the boss, but heads of other teams that will be affected by your efforts. Who are they? What do they need to be effective in their jobs? How can content marketing support their primary goals? Also, what have you promised? Make the business case readily available to your team so they know what is expected of them. Share presentations and team goals.

Content team. Who’s in the dream team? Who is your star player? What is everybody focusing on? How does everybody communicate? That might be as straightforward as sharing a simple organogram and a bunch of invitations to Slack.

Other teams. Who do you ask for a new button to be designed? Where do the company mugshots live? Is there a shared Dropbox folder? What are the guidelines around using this stuff?

External talent. Maybe you hired a PR agency, who should be kept in the loop about major content campaigns on the horizon. Maybe you have three freelance writers who don’t work in our office. And that weird guy who makes kickass videos from a shady basement. How will these people work together and where do their contact details live for when somebody needs something?

Influencers. This is really important: know who you want to get friendly with. These community-annointed leaders of tribes can help you in a big way. What can you do to attract their attention? I tend to store influencers (including media lists) in a spreadsheet. Other people’s Twitter Lists can be a goldmine.


This is where the action happens. What are the things to do before and after publication? What do you need to do to get a piece of content over the line?

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Brainstorming. Where do we store our ideas? How often do we get together? What tools do we use? What’s the formula for deciding what kind of content to create? Whiteboard sessions and mindmaps all play their part.

Workflow. How do we operate as a team, and as team members? How should we work with other teams? What is the process for submitting work?

What tools do we use? I’ve played around with Trello to Basecamp to Google Docs but have never settled on one goal-orientated platform (so I’m actually building one). People use tools differently and there is often some kind of protocol to follow, otherwise your world looks like to-do list spaghetti.

Taxonomy. What’s that you say about metadata? What is the common vocabulary for labels, tags and categorisation? Should I write Ecommerce or ecommerce or e-commerce or E-commerce or eCommerce? How does the tech work to support this kind of thing? If you have some rules in place, then you should police them.

Checklists. What needs to be done prior to publication? Or sign off? What boxes need to be ticked? Did you sense check everything?

Sign Off. Is there a sign off process? Who has final say? Do we really need to run everything past the PR agency? Who has publishing rights? Who is allowed to edit?


Assets, tech and tools pretty much sit between the three key areas and the goals. I see these things as being very much in the heart of the practical, and used, referenced and updated during the production phase.

Assets are things like brand guidelines, which should cover all of the dos and don’ts you need to know before publishing even the smallest status update. Authors must know your brand inside out before they represent it, right?

You’ll also need a house style guide, for content creators and editors. And ideally some pointers about things like when to publish, or how to write amazing headlines.

You’ll also be primed for success if you go to the trouble of creating (and maintaining) a schedule, be a that a shared calendar or loose, spreadsheet-based plan of action. Put some dates in the diary, get some targets in place, and watch out for the things on the verge of falling off the radar (or worse, the dreaded blockers).

Tech covers off the various platforms you will use (owned, earned, rented, paid, etc). That might mean a blog, a YouTube channel or a paid media channel. It’s probably all three.

Tech also points to your kit, and how the tech team can help improve efficiency and performance. For example, if you’re blogging, what are your CMS needs? How could the editing interface be improved? How should you report bugs? This might mean JIRA tickets, or something similar, so let your team know about how best to wave flags.

Platforms and technology can be optimised, which is where UX comes into play. Content lives at the heart of UX, but there are obviously factors outside of the content team’s control. Be sure to bang the drum if your site is slow, or if something is broken.

UX also covers persuasion, which is something of an artform among switched-on content marketers.

Then we have Tools, which primarily sit between people and process, and should help you to get things done. Pretty self-explanatory.


It’s worth pausing for thought if you are part of an existing team and you don’t have the right documentation in place. Where should I look for that style guide? Exactly what kind of person am I writing for, and why? Who should sign this off? These are questions that no right-minded team leader wants to answer on a daily basis.

Or maybe, like me, you’re starting something up, or you have a new client and a blank page. It’s tempting to jump straight into content creation, but in the long run it’s going to be way better to put a well-documented plan of attack in place, with goals and supporting assets all neatly lined up.

Either way, it’s worth regularly reviewing your strategy and updating your documentation, especially when adjusting course. To that end, I created The Content Strategy Canvas to help you get together a top level picture of what you have going on (click the pic for a big, hi-res version).

Content Strategy Canvas - half

The canvas appears overly simplistic, but it is meant to be that way. It is a visual tool to help quickly communicate the key aspects of strategy on one page. No fluff required. The other documentation you might assemble having read this post will fill in the gaps.

And lo, you will become a cherished hero.

Anyway, that’s where I’m at. I’ll share a few specific content marketing templates in the future. I’d certainly love to hear any feedback and other approaches, so do leave a comment below or get in touch.

from Search Engine Watch